Josue Lopez Scores Big In Roger's Rhino Blind In Old Mexico • Rhino Blinds
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Rhino Blinds Allow Hunters To Move And Adapt To Their Surroundings Giving Them The Opportunity To End Their Hunt Successfully. It Made All The Difference For Josue In Old Mexico! Roger....You Did It Again...God Bless!
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The North Texas Rattle Buck • Hunt Sc...
Great whitetail deer encounters don't always end with a harvested deer! Roger sees a nice buck, but needs to get him closer. He hits His rattling antlers and his buck call and the next thing you know, the deer comes a running. Lots of fun and excitement in this one! Enjoy!
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Josh harvests a nice buck four days after the buck had been shot by one of the veterans with a bow...kinda like winning the lottery! Enjoy!
North Texas WT Hunt 2020 • Hunt Scenes
Roger shows patience as he rattles and grunts up several good bucks and then watches them walk off into the sunset. The next day he was back in the same spot nice and early...its a good thing he was!