Weight Loss Program Categories

  • Weight Loss Coaching

    107 items

    Roger's New Book "A Big Deal" Complements and works in Harmony With his Weight-loss Videos and Diet Plan on the Channel. Roger lost over 80 lbs, 40 inches, & 10 pant sizes, in just 5 months while eating REAL food, and taking NO pills or doing ANY exercise. It was ALL his diet plan. Now thousand...

  • Weight Loss Testimonies

    34 items

    Does the Roger Raglin Diet Plan really work? We let our RR Strong Family Members speak for themselves. Here are some encouraging testimonies of how Roger Raglin's Diet Plan has changed peoples lives. Enjoy and be Inspired!

  • Weight Loss Cooking Tips

    29 items

    Our Subscribers submit their favorite cooking recipe they use during their weight loss journey (filmed on their phone), to us! No edits! Enjoy!

  • Subscriber Weight Loss Cooking Recipes

    6 items

  • Weight Loss Cooking Recipes PDF's (CLICK HERE)

    165 items

    Here we will show you recipes we used to help us to meet our weight loss goals. We CANNOT emphasize enough that you MUST eat and do so properly in order to lose weight in a healthy way.

  • Weight Loss Coaching: Maintain

    7 items

    DISCLAIMER: We provide knowledge and inspiration we believe you may benefit from to the best of our ability, but we cannot and do not make any representations (other than Roger’s own personal testimony) or warranty with respect to the content on our site and Apps. Use of our information is at y...