Lytle Stackhouse, Upstate New York
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Lytle's remarkable transformation has allowed him to ride horses again, coon hunt, deer hunt and live life to its fullest. Lytle credits the Roger Raglin Weight Loss Plan in not only changing his life, but saving it...It can save yours too.
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O Holy Night • Piano Time
Every year Christmas music warms the soul and touches our hearts, as we celebrate, remember and give thanks for the birth of our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ our Lord. From our family to yours, Merry Christmas and may God's choicest blessings be with you all year through.
Jeremiah Leach Wounded Soldier Hunt •...
Jeremiah Leach joins Roger Raglin on his Wounded Warrior hunt. Boy, Jeremiah knows how to shoot, as a nice Whitetail hits the ground at distance. Roger loves his Wounded Warriors and we appreciate what he does for our True American Heroes! Thank you Jeremiah for your sacrifice and service!
Road Rage • Morning Coffee
Road Rage is not a good thing and is a problem in which no one is immune. The Secret is to be patient, forgiving and thankful you and your loved ones are safe. Leave the rest in God's hands and just let it go and move on. Happy New Year!